As a vibrant community jurisdiction, you manage a wide range of documents, from business licenses to building and planning permits. City and County Hall are tasked with ensuring the timely and accurate processing and issuance of these essential permissions, across the lifetime of your valued citizens.
However, document management can be challenging — identifying the right document can take up significant time. Especially if file names are not easy to understand or it’s difficult to identify the correct version. Often, time is wasted downloading multiple documents to locate the right file for your task.
While Avolve Software is globally recognized for its electronic plan review solutions, our product, Avolve Navigate, is different. Navigate is not an electronic plan review software but an add-on to the Accela Civic Platform. It can reduce document management tasks by 80% using a rich set of features to streamline your operations. Let's explore further.
Navigate Works Alongside Your Current Plan Review process
As an enhanced document management tool, Navigate allows you to seamlessly filter, group, view, and manage documents according to data fields. Navigate significantly reduces the time spent searching for documents by up to 80%.
How Avolve Navigate powers better document management:
Efficient Document Management:
Users can easily manage and access documents related to their project. Avolve Navigate's enhanced document management enables grouping, filtering, and instant document viewing, as well as saving user preferred views — all of which streamlines the process of accessing relevant information, saving both time and effort.
Improved Visibility and Transparency:
With transparent documentation and easily accessible information, users gain better visibility into case details, processes, and documentation. This transparency enhances decision-making and facilitates effective communication within the team.
Secure Document Viewing:
Avolve Navigate allows users to view documents without downloading them to local computers, offering inherent security benefits. This feature mitigates the risks associated with downloading sensitive information and ensures data security and confidentiality.
Streamlined Workflow:
The solution's features, such as quick document retrieval, easy file renaming, and customizable document lists, contribute to a more streamlined workflow for users. This efficiency enables them to handle cases more effectively and respond promptly to enforcement needs.
Customization and Flexibility:
Users can customize document lists and configure custom fields according to their specific needs. This customization offers flexibility in organizing and categorizing case-related information, to optimize workflow efficiency.
Custom fields:
Set-up custom fields to help manage documents and plans more effectively, such as:
- To add Notes to a document
- Add a Received Date (if not defined in the Permit system)
- Town Hall Review indicator
- Inspection required indicator
- Resubmittal Required indicator
Learn more about how Avolve Navigate can reduce daily document management tasks by up to 80% and schedule a demo today.
Interested in creating efficiency for your plan review processes?
Avolve Software's suite of plan review and management solutions enable your jurisdiction to reduce time to permit.
Avolve Software
Avolve Software is the global leader in ePlan Review and Management for Government towns, cities, counties, municipalities, and states.
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