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Avolve in 2023 | Growth is not an Island

By Lance Clark, CEO | December 19, 2023

When you think of someone or a company being at the top, you often think of them being on the summit of a mountain, or the top of a podium above the rest. Yet, the vision of being at the top does not really reflect the reality. It does not account for the support structure, the network, people, and companies that have supported this achievement. Avolve knows this too well. 

 While our growth this year has been impressive, the picture is much bigger than just Avolve. I am honored by the customers who have trusted us with their ePlan review needs, as well as the loyalty from existing customers who rely on us day in, day out. Although our customer family grew to exceed 300 organizations in 2023, across five countries, we appreciate every single customer. 

 Core to delivering the outstanding solutions and services to these customers, is a network of partners. We truly believe that without close integration and a supportive relationship to our partner community, we could not continue to grow. In 2023 we welcomed a number of new partners, both integration service partners, and new permitting platforms. Looking ahead this is only going to get stronger and we will be sharing some exciting announcements at the start of 2024. 

 Avolve did not stand still in 2023. Our staff is the foundation of everything we create and offer to our customers, and they pushed boundaries this year. We have been updating our ProjectDox customers to the latest version, and launched DigEplan Pro, a new ePlan review solution that offers some incredible enhanced efficiency features to jurisdictions. 

 The dedication and commitment of the Avolve staff to continuously innovate, strive to improve processes, and make a difference, fills me with pride. The unity and drive to serve our customers well is entrenched throughout the organization and I can only thank all employees for their achievements in 2023. 

 Our Inspire user conference back in May, for me, was one of the highlights of the year. To speak in person with customers, hear feedback, and share the advances that we are making for you, was incredible. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Fort Lauderdale in April for our 2024 conference. 

 With all the success that Avolve realized in 2023, we are setting 2024 up to be our best yet. We have the right team in place to explore new innovations, expand our offerings, and ensure that our solutions continue to be a value-add for our customers. Our combined efforts, alongside our partners, and working closely with our customers, will collectively ensure that our growth benefits all. 

 Wishing you all a happy holiday, and a healthy 2024. 

Interested in creating efficiency for your plan review processes?

Avolve Software's suite of plan review and management solutions enable your jurisdiction to reduce time to permit.

Lance Clark, CEO

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